Verified Purchase
They could have done better for the price, here's why
I started epilating a few months ago, and I had treated myself to an upgrade, which lead me to buy this specific epilator. Where to begin? There are many good things about It ! Its handle is super easy to grip and very lightweight, it's almost like you're using a regular razor, but on steroids. The battery is quite long lasting, and god knows ! I need it, being the hairy Italian that I am. More good about this device, It's also much easier on the pain than cheaper epilators, you truly do get what you pay for, and this is also applicable to how easy and how painful OR NOT, your beauty routine will be. If you're looking to get the courage to finally shave your armpits and not need to do that every other day, this is it! This sucker here makes it way simpler and with way less tears. Now onto the not so fun part! It's incredibly tedious to clean, and really? For the price, they COULD create something that doesn't just trap hairs in every possible nook and cranny even after you brush the darn thing ! And speaking of brushes ?????? It's also a bit too pricey of a device to not come with a measly cleaning brush included. Did I REALLY need to go hunting down a brush after spending a pretty penny on a high end device and purchase it separately? What kind of service Is that to your customers? Also last but not least, the settings can and WILL get accidentally swapped while the device is in use. One could say It's a minor inconvenience, and I could concede to that, but AGAIN, you expect better, the higher end and the higher price the product is, I have totally seen much cheaper epilators with sturdy settings that could still be changed easily, but the change wasn't as easy to make as a plain accident Just food for thought there. The epilation job is great and all in all, it is really easy, provided your skin is used to being epilated, if not, expect some adjustment time and maybe start out with a more basic device. If you're a bit more ahead in the game, keep the not so fun features in mind, I described them so that you don't get into it with your eyes closed.
Reviewed on
Jan 5, 2023
52 people found
this helpful